Specifically Designed FRP Products For Our Clients

New Design~

Here is part of specifically designed FRP chemical platform for our client with corrosion resistance and slip resistance, which is made of FRP mini mesh gratings.

customized frp chemical platform

custom made frp chemical platform

With its unique anti-slip solutions, our specifically designed FRP chemical platform makes workers safe again. Do you want to make your workers safe again? Then contact us now!

Here is our another specifically designed FRP product. 

With the arrival of summer, we like spending more time in and around our favorite lakes and pools. It means patio and dock repairs.

No more rust, rot and painting!!!! Its time for a new option – ADA compliant FRP Deck and Dock options. 

Our client is tired of dock repairs filled with paint, rotting wood and rusty metal year after year. FRP deck with panel size of 1000×3050 which is made from 120x40x5 FRP channel is a new option.

customized frp decks

If you are also intrested in our specifically designed FRP products, just take a look and give us a call or emial us!

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